40hz room mode RPG Modex Corner trap?

Hey guys,
Looking for some help with some room modes I am battling. Main offender is 40hz mode. (very typical with 8ft ceilings I suppose) I have several ASC tube traps that have helped a lot, but at this point the don't need much more broad bass damping just 40hz damping as the peak there is way above everything else.

So, two questions:

1. Has any one used the RPG Modex Corner trap?
Seems to be exactly what I need as they make a 40hz model. How effective are these? I think that to make a significant difference I may need so many that the cost will kill. Would 2-4 make a difference?

2. Any other ideas to kill the 40hz room mode short of an eq like the PARC?


Showing 2 responses by rives

If we could deal with 40 Hz effectively passively we would not have made the PARC. We have tried the Modex--and we love RPG products and use them all the time in our designs, but we have not gotten good results with the Modex. At 40 Hz, there's a lot of energy and a long wavelength. The only real passive option is a custom designed and built Helmhotz resonator. It can do the job--but it's not easy to build these properly, particularly if it's a high Q resonance and greater than 8 db.
Nik--sorry been away from the gon for a while. The Modex has not been effective in our practical experience. It wasn't even an issue of how many. As to the Helmhotz--these are very tricky. Alton Everest does a nice write-up on them in Master Handbook of Acoustics. The issues become how rigid to make the box (determines Q factor) and how large (determines db drop).