3k to spend...

Which combination of turntable/cartridge/phono preamp would you buy. I understand its very subjective....but just looking for some ideas.

Thanks for any and all suggestions.

Showing 3 responses by kiko65

Sorry Yogiboy, IMHO,
Simplex over the Comet in a heartbeat.
17D3 over the a Sonata in another heartbeat.
Now on Agon:
Well Tempered Labs Simplex ($1200.00)
DV P-75 MKII (450.00)
DV Karat 17D3 (NEW!) ($950.00)
For $2600.00, a steal!!!!
VPI Scout Jr ($1500.00)
DV 20X2 (850.00)
DV P-75 MKIII (900.00)
Would be a good place to start for $3250.00 if you want to buy new.

You could do much better in the used market. Good luck and happy listening!