$39,000.oo Aavik Acoustics U-380 Class-D integrated amplifier


Here we go again, Covid-19 is everywhere

Uses the Pascal M-Pro2

That is also used in the $15K Rowland Contiuum-2

That’s also used in the $900 Red Dragon S500 amp

That are used in a $300 subwoofer plate amp

That all come from  China, that sold these modules on Alibaba a year ago for $100!! just like these.

What would you think the profit margin is on this amp?

Cheers George

New Aavik amp in an unopened box just sold on eBay for -60% retail price. Remember these guys are the ex Raidho people.
And transistors in A or AB costs much more than class D module?Just because it has 20kg heatsinks it justifies higher price than class D amps?

Does whole sound quality comes just from class D modules in the amp, or there are maybe some other components in there?

Come on people, you don't have a clue what you're talking about, and never heard this amp and compared it against other in that price range.
i own the u300, previous version of this amp. no, you do not walk into the store and suddenly write a check for 39k.  you already have a dac, preamp, power amps, phono stage etc as well as countless power cables, interconnect cables, other gizmos including grounding devices, power conditioners etc. lifestyle choices, age, enthusiasm level, changing tastes and environmental concerns encourage you to make simpler choices without hopefully too great a sonic penalty. you trade in your cables which you are tired of swapping anyways and take home a good looking device ans somehow feel that you made a good decision financially as well.

i am surprised that the device measures poorly because it has a modern sound with good sound stage and impressive dynamics. for fellow owners, i use this amp in the low gain mode (which could be helping noise according to stereophile) and use balanced power (which could be helping grounding issues)

@larry5729 Many of the people working there came from Raidho so I think we can suspect that they do know what good hifi sounds like. I have heard the Borresen 05 speakers with some other Aavik amp at a show and it sounded great.

I do not have the budget to pay for either the amp or the speakers but I still like that some companies tries to improve the sound of stereo. I wish they would do it cheaper but I am not complaining too much that there are expensive things out there. I heard that Borresen has a lower budget speaker in the works for about $12 or so and I think that budget would be more accepted here on Audiogon but if you ask some non-audiophile they would still say it is crazy to spend that much on a stereo piece.
Does whole sound quality comes just from class D modules in the amp, or there are maybe some other components in there? 

Come on people, you don't have a clue what you're talking about, and never heard this amp and compared it against other in that price range. 
Hudo, your comments are of no interest to the Class D inquisitors. Upon reflection, the title of The Fall’s great debut album ‘Live at the Witch Trials’ could have made an excellent post heading. RIP MES.

I have no opinion one way or the other. An amp case could be filled with five quid Sinclair amp modules from the 60’s. As long as someone found a way to make them sound excellent I couldn’t care less.

I would be far more interested in finding out HOW THEY DID IT.