300B tubes

I'm considering tube rolling on my Nagra 300p. It comes with 4 JJ 300bs, and I am curious about the Gold Lion re-issue 300B (had a great experience with their KT88s in the past). I am also considering the re-issued GE 300B and the Shuguang Treasure. Reliability and sound are both required in this price range. No troubles with the JJ - just curious to experiment.

I've read prior threads and searched the net. Thus far, very little on the Gold Lions, lots on the Shuguangs. Cheers and thanks.

Showing 2 responses by phaelon

"Some tubes just work better in certain circuits.”

I agree. I’ve also heard the same from some amp designers of note. FWIW, for me, the Sophia Royal Princess has been right on the money. And from what I recall of my auditions with Nagra (some time ago), I would find some way to listen to this tube in your amplifier. Talk to Sue at Sophia. I’ve known them to be very accommodating.
Something that hasn’t been said here, and perhaps I’m stating the obvious, is that 300b tubes spec very differently from one another and require carful matching with an amplifier. If an amplifier calls for a 300b that is a Western Electric equivalent, a lot of modern high performance 300b tubes won’t be compatible. Matching your amplifier with the correct tube requires more than an audition if longevity of these very expensive tubes is a consideration.