300B Speakers, Reynaud & Reference 3A

Has anyone had experience with Reynaud Twin MKIIs or Reference 3As (any model)as driven by 300B or other similar (6-10wts)SETs?

Showing 3 responses by tomryan

Twl...The speaker drivers I listened to were at least 3-4 yrs old. They were both in homemade cabinets. I don't think there are any dealers in my area (Southeastern Michigan) who carry anything with Lowther drivers, don't know how else I could get a listen to something new. I also still think that, at 100db efficient, the system might be too noisy for my liking. I'll check some Lowther websites, however, and see what's happening.
My room is 11 x 13.6 x 8, plaster with cove ceiling, hardwood floor w/ plush carpet and pad. I sit in a relative nearfield (9ft from front plane of the speakers). I have heard two speakers with the Lowther driver, both homemade) and it sounded as if I would need to be somewhat farther away. Both speakers had an inner "fingernail on chalkboard" sound even though driven by 2A3s and 300Bs. Also, my Air Tight 300B is not the quietest amp around and I'd like to go no more efficient that 92db. However, I do want to thank every one for all info given, found everything very useful. My hat's off to Audiogoners once again! Any other suggestions of 90-92db (w/ stable impedance loads) speakers?
Dekay - What is the website address for Cain & Abbey. Tried Google search and didn't finf anything.