300B amp, Shearwaters, 508.24. Any reason why this wouldn't

sound great.???

I am concerned about the low wattage ( 24 wpc. ) of this amp I am looking at. The question I have for all you folks is: a.) Would this be enough power?, and b.)Is there any reason why this should not sound very musical?

Now please don't offer me alternatives, like saying, ie. "I think if you had "brand X" player your system would sound...... blah, blah, blah...

I guess this question would be of interest to those out there who either own, or have heard a good 300b amp driving a Meadowlark product and what you heard. I am in a 13x21' room, system is firing lengthwise, (set-up along shorter wall).... I listen to mostly light jazz, classical, the odd pop tune, volume levels always respectful of other memebers of the house ie. lower to medium-well :>)
thanks, Audioman

Showing 1 response by puubie

I would be very suspicious of a 300B at 24wpc. I don't know that 24 wpc is possible unless it is parallel or push pull. I suppose it is possible but the life of the tube will be very short.

An 8 watt per channel, which is what a true SET 300B would be rated, is good for 90db and over. 90db won't be a party beast or bring down the walls but for realistic listening it will do quite well.