300 disk W/ outboard DAC or single play W good dac

Hello everyone. I am going to be buying a new CDP sometime soon and i have been thinking of buying either a sigle play Cambridge Audio D300 or a NAD C521 which are bolth exceptional players, Or trying something like a sony 300 disk player with an outborad DAC. I dont really want to spend more than $275 on this and i dunno how much good DAC's cost. What would you suggest? Any other players to look at?

The rest of my system is:
NAD C-370 amp
JBL ND310 speakers
Clarity Wires "foxfore" IC

Thank you

Showing 2 responses by haoleb

Right now i have a Teac pd-d2750 5 disk player i bought at costco for 90 dollars. I think i might go for just a cdp and forget about the dac thing. they seem kna pricy when i could just get something like the nad which has Burr-Brown sigma delta 20 bit. or maybe i could splurge and get the C541 which also plays HDCD's for a hundred or so more.
OK, the 300 disk thing isint an option anymore, And i dunno about the NAD didnt have the best reviews they said it skipped sometimes. Maybe i will think about the CA and the AMC more..