$300 Budget - help

I've spent time reading this forum, so I've gotten some good ideas already, but hoping for some feedback nonetheless.

I listen to classic jazz (instrumental and vocals) only. I love CDs, it's all I have ever known. I was in an audio store a year or so ago demoing an Arcam cdplayer, and the salesman put on a favorite cannonball adderley album of mine, but on vinyl. I forget what player he was using, but he said it was entry level. I was taken back by the warmth of the sound -- not as clear as the CD, but there was something amazing about the sound of the record that I just can't put my finger on.

Anyway, I want to try vinyl. My current system is as follows: Exposure Super XV integrated amp (apparently it has a good phono stage); Arcam CD73 cdplayer; Wharfedale Pacific Evo 8 bookshelf speakers; psaudio duet power center; audio art cabling throughout.

I only have about $300 to spend (just bought a home). If I like vinyl, in a few years I'll spend hundreds or thousands on a high-quality record player, but for now I just want to see if it's something I will like.

The Rega P1 seems like the recommended choice. Would you agree? What cabling do I need?

Thank you,

Showing 1 response by sbank

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned a used Thorens. Besides the SL1200, and later get the KAB mod, this might be the best bargain out there.
Spending on a new table at this price point is a bad idea for any music lover. Seriously.
A live demo is probably not going to be available. Read up, buy used, cross fingers, take plunge, put a couple of $1's in her garter belt & enjoy. Cheers,