300 B Shuguang Black Bottle tubes

Just got them from Canada (from NA distributor) and put as a replacement to my Audion Silver Night 300 B. I used to have 300 B (Hot Rods marked), I think they were codenamed as Golden Dragons (correct me if I am wrong), had to replace them recently, I got what I could get in Russia - Svetlana 300 B ones. Svetlana by all means not bad tubes (I thought way better than the ones I used which came with amp), but Black Bottles are just another league way up from what I heard. Suddenly bass became very articulated (used to be rather boomy), soundstage is a huge improvement at all.

They are in burn in process at the moment (as I read they really start signing after 300 hours), I am wondering whether anyone did have an experience with them and whether it is as much positive as mine (very addictive tubes!!!!).


Showing 1 response by vze739en

The 300B tubes are similar to the TJ MESH at first in transparency. After 50 hours or so, imaging takes off. But, not until 300 hours do they enter spooky real, assuming your other equipment can deliver this. In my case this is the occasional "spooky real." And, I need to do more listening, but that is due to the system hitting its quiescent state after literally hours of play. In the end, at least in this case...they are better and it seems you get what you pay for...in ever increasing slivers....Remember the bit about imaging...lifting off the speakers...that was something I really noticed at first....I did not take notes...so take this for what it now is....a memory...