30 yr old speakers- time to replace drivers?

I have a pair of NHT VT1 speakers. The drivers seem to be in good shape. They have paper cones and rubber surrounds. After 30 yrs, should I upgrade crossovers and replace drivers?


Showing 1 response by gfguillot

I don't understand the logic with some on here saying don't put money into 30 year old speakers and don't fix it if isn't broken.  Well, I went exactly against all this advice and put money into an old pair of Infinity Kappa 9's nobody wanted. 

I spent $200 for the speakers in rough shape that were missing 3 out of 4 of the 12" woofers and the polydome mids were trashed.  They were made in 88'-89' so about 35 years old, the crossovers needed attention and that's where the new life came back for them.  Some tweeters were not working as result of the crossovers failing. I fixed everything and replaced every capacitor, about 23 total per speaker.  It was about $700 in capacitors and I have about $1300 into them.  I find they sound phenomenal now, brought the efficiency up fixing the crossovers.  Capacitors definitely go bad, drivers if the surrounds are still good, you're good there. 

Do what you feel is right and your budget can handle.  I know there's always better speakers out there than your NHT or my Kappas, but for me it was the right decision to fix up and not buy newer for much more.  I smile everytime I fire up the Kappa 9's paired the Parasound JC-5 amp, Ayre KX-5 Twenty preamp and my little budget Schitt Bifrost 2/64 DAC.  I'd like to add another JC-5 and some Rythmik subs and maybe get into streaming one day.  But for now what I have will do..  I'm not made of money, going out and seeking new speakers wouldn't have been a good decision, but $10k for the amp and preamp was...and so was fixing the 'old' speakers..