3 way vs. 2 way

I currently have Mirage M5si bi polar speakers, I believe these have two tweeters and two 6inch drivers. For my room size I want to go to a conventional speaker. I would also like to give a high end store in my area the business as the owner is a friend. He carries Totem and B&W. I notice may of the Totems have only a tweeter and a driver. Can I get as good sound out of smoething like that as compared to a speaker with 3 or 4 in the cabinet?

Showing 1 response by goatwuss

In a small room, big speakers will overload the room, have boomy bass, and sound bad.

But assuming you have the space, and assuming you like DYNAMICS, unfortunately there is no 2 way in existence that can sound like a large speaker.

Something like a Verity Parsifal monitor will have a great midrange, spot on image, and other great qualities - but unfortunately even a SOTA 2-way like this will never sound like a Wilson X2, Pipedream line arrays, Avantgarde Trios, or Dynaudio temptations. The sheer scale of sound presentation of one of these large and well-built speakers is unfortunately unmatchable in a 2-way monitor. The physics simply don't allow it.

2 Way monitors by all means have their time and their place - but if you are serious, and you are looking for BIG orchestral dynamic swings and rock-arena scale, you need a BIG speaker.