3 or 4 cones under speakers /cdp which better WHY

Most cones come in sets of three but some also come in sets of four . Whats the lowdown on cones I am thinkg of trying tem under my speakers and CD player . Thanks for your time!
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Showing 1 response by warrenh

If you go with the Sistrum support system for your speakers or any of your components you will not have to worry about the point placement. Their 3 point system is united by a unique matrix. If you use their individual points, placement IS very important. Go to audiopoints.com and ask to speak to Robert. He's the man over there and he will show you the light. I use their points and racks on everything in my system. If you decide that coupling is what you want to do: Audiopoints.com be the place. Their website has got it all: white paper and pictures. peace,warren