3 channel stereo music processor

I have 3 identical Tekton S-Lores for my LCR. What is the best (most flexible?) way to process two channel stereo music to originate the center channel signal for listening without the rear surrounds. I know everyone says to listen to two channels. But my set up is strange thanks to my wife's mandatory furniture arrangement. At this point for digital manipulation for a center channel I am using my Marantz receiver. I am considering a Harman Signature Citation 7.0 analogue processor as an improvement. Dose anyone have a comment on this or a alternative that is not crazy expensive?

Showing 1 response by rlwainwright

My H/K Signature 2.0 pre-pro was a very good-sounding unit, $2500 MSRP. I have purchased 2 of these units years ago for approx. $350 ea., used but in terrific condition It seems they are up to around $600 at Amazon right now.

It may be time to dig those bad boys outta the attic and sell 'em...
