I would be the first (well, maybe the second) to protest Joe's pronouncement of diety for the likes of me (the concept of God is foreign to Buddhists like me anyway). But I can vouch for Bill's qualification based on Frank's definition. I know that Bill did work for free for many, including for me, on many occasions, and he has the testimonial letters to prove it. In fact, Srajan's evocation of angelic visions when he speaks of Bill and Loretta was not the first. I have read a glowing letter from a Professor of Theology no less, proclaiming that very same vision. Let's say that even if Bill is not an angel or a god, his place is well reserved upstairs.
One of my favorite movies is "Pay It Forward", with Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt, and Haley Joel Osment, not only because it it entertaining but also because it suggests the concept of "paying it forward" as a way of perpetuating acts of random kindness as opposed to "paying it back" which is self-limting. Bill epitomizes the concept, he is kind to others without ever expecting to be paid back. Our world is infinitely better with people like him, and we can all endeavor to be like him.
So while I appreciate Joe's kind words, I don't think I am worthy of being mentioned in the same likeness of Bill. But he certainly sets an example to guide my actions everyday.
Vinh Vu
One of my favorite movies is "Pay It Forward", with Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt, and Haley Joel Osment, not only because it it entertaining but also because it suggests the concept of "paying it forward" as a way of perpetuating acts of random kindness as opposed to "paying it back" which is self-limting. Bill epitomizes the concept, he is kind to others without ever expecting to be paid back. Our world is infinitely better with people like him, and we can all endeavor to be like him.
So while I appreciate Joe's kind words, I don't think I am worthy of being mentioned in the same likeness of Bill. But he certainly sets an example to guide my actions everyday.
Vinh Vu