2nd amp or one bigger amp?

Hello to all,
I was a happy owner of a CJ MV-55 amp. I recenty purchased a pair of Martin Logan Sequel IIs from here (A-gon) and things were great. The combanation sounded very nice at lower volumes considering I lived in an apartment. I recently moved into a house and I can play much louder :) BUT the MV-55 does not have enough juice to do that at 45W/channel. Should I consider a second MV-55 for a monoblock operation or sell the MV-55 and get a Premier 11? I'm very tight on budget at this time and the 12s are way over my budget. any advise is greatly appreciated.


Showing 1 response by sean

I agree with Stehno. Unless you intend to get into active bi-amplification, i would say that better results could be had by going to one high quality amp of higher power capacity. Passively bi-amping may offer a slight benefit, but it is nothing in comparison to going active. Just keep in mind that to REALLY "go active" and achieve optimum results, you would need to bypass the factory crossovers inside the speakers. As such, a call to Martin Logan should probably be the first thing on your list to see what they recommend. Sean