Dear Nkj: The Ruby 2 is a very good cartridge and mates good with your V specially if you re-wired internally. The LP is a different cartridge, very good too but I preffer the Ruby 2.
No, I don't like the Koetsu Rosewood the Ruby 2 is far better. If you want a Koetsu you have to go for the Rosewood Signature Platinum.
Maybe you don't have to pay 2K for something different that you really like, here are some very good alternatives:
and the Sumiko Celebration ( 1.5K. New. ). This one was voiced with the tonearm you have: great match.
Regards and enjoy the music.
No, I don't like the Koetsu Rosewood the Ruby 2 is far better. If you want a Koetsu you have to go for the Rosewood Signature Platinum.
Maybe you don't have to pay 2K for something different that you really like, here are some very good alternatives:
and the Sumiko Celebration ( 1.5K. New. ). This one was voiced with the tonearm you have: great match.
Regards and enjoy the music.