$2k for new Cartridge Benz LP or......

Hi all,

I'm looking to change my cartridge and have the opportunity to trade my Benz Ruby 2 for an LP for $2k. I will be able to hear the LP but not in my system...and the system I will hear it in is significantly differnent so the excercise may be less than useful. I also have Helikon on hand but found it not as pleasing through the mid band as the Benz. It is sitting on the shelf with probably less than 200hrs on it.

What else is out there around the $2k mark that would have the ease through the mid band and some slam..I have refurbed stacked ESLs running back through a Berning ZH 270 or Futterman H3 or Various vintage amps to an Aesthetix Io Sig with VC & 2 supplies . Arm is an SMEV and Hovland MusicGroove 2.

$2K is a challenge I know.. but this is the ease of entry for the LP I'd really love an upper end Koetsu but the $$$ are not workable now..Thanks for any comments.

Showing 2 responses by albertporter

You could buy a used Koetsu Rosewood for the 2K and still keep your Benz as a backup, or sell it.

I have owned several Benz and Koetsu cartridges and the Koetsu is a more satisfying cartridge by far. I never felt emotionally connected to the Benz, but the Koetsu connected with me before it even had enough hours to break in.

You did not mention table and arm, perhaps the sale of the Benz could go toward upgrade?
I don't see weakness in the turntable or arm. If anything, that combo should deliver excellent dynamics and bass, more reason to play to the strength of the midrange which the Koetsu delivers in spades. It would be nice to have your report on the outcome of this, whatever way you decide.

Other members should chime in here as quite a few prefer the ZYX and other currently popular cartridges, perhaps some have direct experience?

I've owned three Oracles but never owned that Oracle / SME combo. I had excellent results with my Oracle's combined with Triplanar, carbon fiber Pioneer arm and the original Breuer.