$2500 speaker threshold

Hello everyone,

Recently I was reading the latest edition of Robert Harley's The Complete Guide to High End Audio. In an early chapter he refers to a "significant" disparity in quality between speakers selling for just under $2500 & selling selling for just over $2500. I'd never heard of this before.

I realize that quality is supposed to improve with price, but Harley was clear in stating that the $2500 threshold marked a larger gap in quality than would be seen in other price-point differences. Unfortunately he didn't elaborate on just what made the >2500s better than the <$2500s.

Anyone know what that might be about?


Showing 1 response by dorkwad

Man, all I can say is for that money you could get an upgraded VMPS 626R with a VMPS sub if you buy used, or the VMPS RM2 new. Either one is a great sounding speaker. Dynamics and clarity with excellent defined base and magnificent mids and highs, especially with the fst tweeter.
You might catch a used RM30 or RM40 at the high end of your price range. The last 2 would be extra nice sound. Serious air moved in the mids (both) and bass 40s. They are THE best sounding speakers for the money period. If you haven't heard a pair properly set up, you can't know what I'm saying about their sound.