25 year warranty – thoughts invited

I've often wondered why despite mega-bucks and assuming mega-reliability why warranties on audiophile gear are so time limited. Surely if the maker, or more relevantly the dealer had true confidence in both the brand and the model they’d be keen to offer something exceptional. However, they rarely do.

So I was surprised and pleased to spot this morning that one of LFD Audio’s retailers is at no extra charge providing a 25 year parts and labour warranty to buyers of new amplification and phono stages. http://lfd4u.com/our-2-service-levels/our-prices-gold-standard/

Apart from Bryston (I think) no one else is offering this. Isn’t it time they did? So why aren't they?

LFD don’t produce anything with movable parts so I guess they wouldn’t get snookered into a 25 year warranty on a laser assembly. Also, if I've read the text correctly the warranty is transferable to each new owner in the 25 year period. Is this a new paradigm, an offer too good to be true – or what? Thoughts invited. Thanks

Showing 1 response by rlwainwright

When I bought my JBL L-65 (Jubal ) speakers in the late 70s, JBL at that time had a lifetime warranty. They changed it few years later to 5 years. Luckily for me, I kept the documentation I received with the speakers.

I needed to have them repaired and the repair facility tried to tell me that they were no longer "in warranty". I replied, "Au contraire, mon frere, *my* speakers will never go out of warranty..." And then I showed them the documents - they (grudgingly) fixed the speakers under warranty...

-RW- Keep yer documents!!