24/96 da converter OK to use with DVD

Hi, Just wondering, is it ok if I use a Pioneer DVD 525 player using its coaxial output --connected to a Cal Audio Labs 24/96 Sigma II transport ? Will I in turn be able to use the d/a converter to watch movies, meaning, its sound will pass thru the d/a converter before reaching my amplifier ? in effect I will get less digital sound or harshnes from the DVD player ? With this set-up will I be also able to play dvd audio disc ? Thanks, Ferdinand

Showing 2 responses by mr_gridlock

I'm sure you meant that the CAL was a DAC and not a transport--anyway, as long as you've placed the DAC in between your DVD player and your receiver, then you're good to go.

I'm not sure what you mean by "less digital sound," but I will agree that it should be less harsh. The CAL is one sweet DAC.

Not all DACs output 24/96. Most bring the signal down to 48; perhaps someone knows the specifics on your model. But you should be able to play DVD-A's whatever the standard these guys finally decide on.

Ah, see, now I did it. I meant to say that not all DVD players output 24/96. Your DAC is fine and it's a very nice upgrade to your DVD player I'm sure.