Improving my streaming side--and maybe replacing the audio rack but thankfully (mercifully?) happy with pre, amp, speakers, turntable, cables (having just splurged on some Fidelium speaker cables) and room--and my only issue with streaming is occasional glitches with running Roon/Tidal/Quobuz that require reboots of core and bridge so looking to eliminate that--SQ is very satisfactory--and then all that's left is discovering new music, for which i'm grateful to this forum's occasional threads on favorites.
2024 Audio System Wish List
I’ve been doing this for years now- and it’s time for our 2024 wish list!
In 2023 I explored the world of room treatment and purchased a modest amount of products from GIK and Acoustimac, and for an approximate $400 investment, I was extremely satisfied how it really helped my music listening experience- far more than any $400 cable ever has.
My goal for 2024, as it has been for a number of years now, is to explore and add more music. Streaming has been a fantastic way of exploring new to me music, and in some instances after streaming an album, I also wound up buying it on vinyl.
I will probably add some more room treatment, but not much more.
What’s your audio goal for 2024? A new preamp? A DAC? More music?
Enjoy 🥂