2017 Honest Cabling that doesn’t promote bankruptcy

Looking for experiences and recs for current mid to upper mid level cabling solutions

I’m talking about ICs and Speaker cables that do not require plans for high jacking an armored car with a couple gallons of chloroform and a helicopter with a really big magnet?

Neither is it a matter of seeking out an ‘all system’ same brand and model loom, though it could be.

In Your opinion and or experience which signal cables (or mix of) have proven themselves recently to enable a revealing system to maintain or demonstrate its integrity, truth and musicality on its best level?

Or, in other words, With which current line of wires or ‘cables’ would you feel very confident using to connect your upscale stereo outfit in 2017?

New, or pre-owned?

… and why, please?
Thanks so very much. j

Showing 2 responses by 4425

I've been on the cable merry-go-round for a very long time. To me one of the very best lines is Audioquest. You can determine easily what each model uses for conductor material, geometry and insulation materials, etc.  Basically the price goes up as the conductor quality goes up. Go to their website and open their Pricebook tab and then scroll to product categories and study a bit. There is no mystery as to what you're buying. IMO the all copper sweet spot is perhaps Yukon interconnects( $325 m)and Rocker 88 speaker cables($ 850 8' pr) . Both models are AQ's least expensive models utilizing their best copper. As you move up you get maybe better insulation materials and more conductor, etc , but the basic construction and geometry stay the same. Once you start up the silver models the cost increases significantly but the sonics are outstanding but still in the same family. Packaging and cable construction is all top notch,
The only problem with Audioquest is that they've been successful for a very long time thus making them 'conventional' to some audiophiles. I have to say in closing they are the best company I've used that is reasonable about reterm and unfailingly polite and professional. To me searching for a mysterious cable breakthrough is folly. AQ offers solid engineering with no voodoo. 
Finally it is very possible to buy higher end AQ cables at great pricing as long as the buyer is cautious about the seller. FWIW
Last comment. If you pick up used AQ Niagara interconnects you'll never look back. Can be had for 60-70% off if you are patient. Was a $2000m silver cable before newest model came out of which I can't discern the difference. Very smooth and detailed.