2012 Jazz cd compilation: Down Beat magazine

The annual Down Beat magazine "best cds of 2012" issue is now on the stands. I enjoy reading it to see what I might have missed (and buy them!). For the Jazz music lovers!

Showing 3 responses by rok2id

Mags like DownBeat are good to become aware of new releases or reissues. Then I go to Amazon. I trust the reviews on amazon the most. Pay close attention to the negative reviews and comments. Some are silly, but they will most likely be the deal breakers. A lot of the favorable reviews are from loyal fans and cheerleaders. But numbers count. One or two reviews, positive or negative, mean little. If I can't listen to a snippet on Amazon, it goes on the 'Save for later' list.
They got me on 'Cloudbrust' also. It sounds like a choir singing notes to 'warm up' before a performance. It also changed the way I buy CDs.
I get the impression that a lot of positive reviews are given as favors to the artist. This is rampant in so-called 'world' music. Sort of like a 'helping hand'.