2010 RMAF Analog Reports + Meet and Greet

The Rocky Mountain Audio Fest is quickly approaching. I’m planning to use this thread to capture anticipated analog related information about the show as well as impressions.

The past three years of RMAF visits have been fun, entertaining, and rewarding. I go to the show for many reasons but mostly to meet other music lovers/audiophiles and industry professionals. The diversity of music, equipment, and personalities are very interesting to me. A link to last year's comments can be found here: 2009 RMAF Comments

There should be quite a few interesting things going on at this year’s RMAF. If you haven’t attended the show, you should seriously consider going. I’ll post a few things I anticipate seeing at this year's RMAF in the tread reply below.

I’ve also found out that AudiogoN member Cello has set up a meet and greet on Friday night @ Garcia's Restaurant located across the street from the Marriot. More details to follow. The past two meet and greets in 2008 and 2009 have been very enjoyable. I expect the same from this one as well.

Please feel free to post your attendance plans now and your analog experiences after the show.

I'm looking forward to meeting many of you at the show,

Showing 2 responses by dcstep

Actually Sunday morning is not too crowed at all. If you're local and just want a "taste" of RMAF then Sunday is it. I've noticed that a lot of couple go on Sundays. Friday and Saturday is full-on audio-geek time.

I'll be there, assisting our friend Guido as best I can. Maybe we'll make the meet and greet on Friday.

MikeL, hope to see you again.

My favorite rooms this year were the Avalon room with the Rowland 625 driving the new Transcendent speaker, the Gamut room and the Playback Designs/DarTZeel room. The VTL/Wilson room was also very good, with the Wilson Sophias sounding as good as I've heard any Wilson sound. Soundsmith always has wonderful analog sound.

All these rooms were very musical and I could be very happy living long-term with any of these systems. However, the Avalon/Rowland combination was my absolute favorite.

Oh, off-site, Soundings had a great Boulder/Vienna Acoustic room.

This was my fifth RMAF and, by far, my favorite. The key to my enjoyment was leaving the rooms that sucked immediately. There's no need to be nice, because all you're doing when you stay a second longer than needed is literally injuring your ears. The truly bad set ups (it's often due to the room, but that's not my problem)can be heard in seconds. Sitting in there for five-minutes just to be nice and just because the people seem nice only hurts your ears. It not a sacrifice worth making.

The best times to go to the best rooms is early Saturday and Sunday, before the crowds really mount. Early you can often have the room to yourself, with the AC off and no one talking or the door constantly opening and closing. I used Friday to scout a bunch of rooms overall and decide where I wanted to spend more "quality time".