20 year old solid state technology.....

I have an older Belles 250 amp...class a/b...and have been amazed at how this amp sounds even in regard to the best that is out there today...regardless of its age...which is circa 1987...at any rate...was this statement product by Belles that much better than the competition during its time...or has electronics at this level not evolved that much outside of "subtle refinements"?....

Showing 1 response by mahgister

My  Sansui alpha dated  back from 1987...

I tried to replace it with an universally acclaimed tube amplifier with a new technology  ...The return cost me 300 bucks in loss ...

I kept the headphone out from the Sansui for my top headphone  because there were no comparison for my headphone at all  ...

Vintage dont means outdated in all case and for all use ...