-20 DB Volume Measurment

I play my music in the 85 db range on my db meter on my phone. Comfortable but in the range of live music at a concert (except The WHO). The music has transient peaks at 90 db. On the volume knob of my Benchmark pre-amp this equates to a volume level of -20DB give or take. Does that mean my amp has another 20DB to go before the amp hits peak power output and starts to clip? 


Showing 1 response by mulveling

I'm sure others will cover the technical aspect adequately. I'd just like to note that in your scenario, it's dangerous to assume you have 20dB of headroom available on your amp (dangerous if you try to push it in that direction). It doesn't work like that, especially in the modern era where digital sources have extremely high output signal levels (many balanced DACs pushing out 4 - 5 Volts), and combined with any preamp gain this typically means you can easily drive your amp to clipping long before you tap your preamp's maximum gain.