2-Way Advice: Magico S1,YG Carmal,Diablo Utopia

Guys I've been considering a speaker swap. Have found that I love 2-ways.

I didn't really know this until I started listening to different speakers and kept liking them more, much more than the fulls.

They present a different perspective that I prefer. I don't listen real loud and have a med size 2500 cubic foot room and I much prefer tight and accurate, faster more defined bass and don't need the real deep low stuff. I love how they image and disappear and make the music more alive to me. Listen to Jazz, Acoustic, Blues, mello rock, Indie, some classic, the usual phile stuff..

I have it boiled down to a few and really would love your opinions. Buying used and they are all over the country and just can't listen to all of them. I know listen first is best and would love to if I could. They are all within $500 of each other price wise with shipping to me.

Have you guys heard any of these and what you might think of these??

Magico S1 Black

YG Carmal 1 Silver

Focal Diablo Utopia III - Silver

Sonus Faber Guameri Momento

Langerton Configuration 217

Tannoy DC10A

Ascendo System F (Only non 2-way I'm considering)

Any info or feedback or recommendations would really be appreciated!!!

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Showing 2 responses by larryi

I have heard the Carmel and S-1, but, none of the rest in your list. I preferred the Carmel to the Magico--better fleshed out harmonics of instruments and not quite as brittle sounding.

In the same sort of camp, as far as tonal qualities, I like Raidho speakers. These deliver a very clear, detailed sound, but are not harsh or brittle sounding. The downside is that even the two-way models are quite pricey.
Raidho has three basic ranges of speakers--the top line is the D series, the mid-line C series, and a new X series. I have heard two of the X series speakers at a dealer--one is a very tiny 2-way that sells for somewhere in the $7,500 range and a much larger floorstanding speaker that is a 3-way (somewhere around $37,000, I believe). They have not put out other speakers in this low-end range that are comparable to the C & D series speakers, but, I would expect that they will shortly. The C & D series have floorstanding 2-ways, so it might be the case that a new X series speaker will come out that will be close in price to the likes of the Carmel and S1.