2 Krell fpb700cx or Krell fpb750mcx

My curent setup is krell Fpb700cx - krell Kct - Krell 28cd - Jbl Everest DD67000.

I Think of ading a 700cx and byamp.
or mayby the 750mcx mono bloks in-sted.

Do you have any idea on witch setup will
be the best performing setup.

2, 700cx byamp / or 750mcx monoblok?

All thoughts and ideas a welkome (-; 

Showing 2 responses by radfrad

I have a KCT and a KPC 28
I run  mono blocks Krell 450 Mcx
My speakers are my weak link and I have heard better sounding speakers with 
less quality electronics solid state.  But the stereo imaging of the mcx  450mono blocks
was night and day.

In a perfect world I would have a upgrade in speakers but the mono blocks
really push out some imaging detail
My speakers are B&W Nautalis 803. And the Krell is all cast.