2 for 1 or the PS Audio upgrade route?

Current owner of the PS Audio DMP and Directstream MK1. An upgrade is in order. Would like to go to a single box yet am having difficulty selecting a unit that will be serviceable in the future and Superior in sound. In consideration is an Accuphase DP-720 or 750. Accuphase is of course “affordable” everywhere But the USA. Also in consideration is a Marantz SA-10. Both of these units appear to be winners. But the PS Audio gear is solid and an easy upgrade path. What is the consensus here? Switch to a single box, which would be just Super or go the PS Audio upgrade route. No complaints on the PS Audio sound, it is simply time for the New Thing. 


Showing 1 response by gloria221

To provide an accurate response, I would need more context regarding what you are referring to with "2 for 1" and the "PS Audio upgrade route." Please provide additional information or clarify your question so that I can assist you better.
