2-Channel to home Theater

I'm currently building a 2-channel system consisting of teh following components:

Sonic Frontiers Line 1 Tube Preamp
Thorens TTA2300 Dual Mono Amp (140 wpc, totally separate power supplies and cords -- very sweet)
Joseph Audio RM25Si Loudspeakers
Camelot Round Table DVD/CD Player
Panasonic CT34wx50 16:9 34" Direct View

If I want to go multi-channel at some later date, what would be the best way to go for electronics? Does anyone have recommendations for a surround processor that would mesh well in this system?

Showing 1 response by abuckf52d

Thanks for the responses -- The SF Line 1 actually has a theater pass-through. That was one of the reasons (bonus, really, more concerned with sound) I considered this model. I had looked at the CJ 14 for the same reason, but am getting a pretty good deal on the Line 1.