2 channel high end disscussion

Despite the flames and abundance of naysayers ,Audio review's general discussion is crowded with low fi and home theater and one has to weed through many posts to find general topics for the 2 channel hifi audio enthusiast. At A.R.,there is no specific concern for those of us who are discriminating and appreciate better sound,whether entry level separates or reference components.I have made multiple requests at A.R. ,to add a general hifi section there and have gotten no concerns or answers.I see the beginning of what has recently happened to A.R., starting right here ,as the low fi and h.t.crowd are discovering this site, and it would be a greatly appreciated addition to have our own dedicated section to help make an already great site come full circle in considering this great need.Yes ,all the other sections are greatly appreciated here and an added General hi end section would be a breathe of fresh air to not feel crowded out and for once and all have a safe haven.

Showing 1 response by fpeel

It's good to see there is interest in maintaining a high-end 2-channel discussion area. As someone fairly new to the high-end audio world I've found this site to be extremely helpful for locating equipment, learning about room setup, getting input on matching equipment and more. That information was not always easily found elsewhere, either because of various sites "chat" orientation (like Audio Review) or outright snobbery (as with certain newsgroups). The regulars here have been more than available and helpful which is a very good thing. It'd be nice to see that continue. BTW, an alternative to setting up a new group for the 2-channnel enthusiasts would be creating a new listing specifically for the home theatre types. It'd cause less confusion in the long run.