2 channel amp suggestion

I've had mostly NAD gear for quite a while, starting with a 3020 years ago...a while back my OLD C270 amp started losing it in the right channel so I am using the Front speaker wires on my NAD 758 rather than Preamp outs and an amp while I research a replacement...my stereo music sources are an Oppo 103, Bluseound Node2 with HiRes Tidal account, and a Project Expression 3..but only with the Sumiko Oyster...(next upgrade?)...I have B&W CM9s with a Velodyne subwoofer filling the really low end in an oddly shaped living room...I see the 275BEE is the NAD replacement but the stores I have nearby have Atoll, Anthem and Rotel in that 2 "grandish" or less price range...any suggestions? Perhaps the Used market? Thanks...love this Forum...

Showing 3 responses by microp

I guess I haven't really thought about that...I've liked B&W speakers because to my ear they seem more flat...for example Klipsch or Focal sound too shrill to me...Focals are great in my car and truck though...I started with 600 series bookshelves and a subwoofer, then to 705s with the center channel and the 600s as rears...now its the CM9s with 600s as rears..same center.. but I don't really care too much about movies and surround etc...I was also looking to move up from the CM9s at some point and I listened to some Dynaudios that I liked but....the 2 grand is set aside right now for a good amplifier...first things first...with all the virus staying at home its got me wanting upgrades of course...
Thanks so much for the responses...plenty of things to consider here, especially the used market...one question, comparing the specs on all these amps what are the most important? Obviously watts per channel only means so much and I always though current supply was most important? What specification gives me a sense of that capability? Thanks..
I did mention a 2 thousand limit earlier, but it seems there are several options cheaper than that, yours being one of them...I am just checking them all out, that's why I was asking about how do I compare specifications listings for all these amplifiers beyond watts per channel and distortion...thanks for another tip...I am learning a lot about the various online sites also for other things like cables, maybe speakers etc..