1st, most memorable recording...

In your introduction to high end audio, is their a rock song, ballad, jazz piece, etc. that really knocked your socks off and prompted you to get into the hobby?

In 1990, a buddy had me over to listen to his rig consisting of, merlin sig. 4`s, tandburg amp/pre and denon cdp.

The first piece he played was "Bolero" by the Philadelphia Orchestra. That particular arrangement, on that particular system blew me away and was my introduction into high end audio.

It`s still one of my favorite pieces.

Just wondering if any of you have had a similar experience.

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OOOh. Winter of 1991 -
I had worked in Music, Radio, and Film, and still had no idea there was such a thing as "High End Audio," just bigger and bigger speakers.

A friend took me to Overture Audio in Ann Arbor where I heard Rickie Lee Jones on an Aktiv Linn System. Explosive, energetic, *dangerous* sound, from 'little' speakers. Turned my head right around, I can tell you. Followed in quick succession by:
Tom Waits
Lyle Lovett
Miles Davis
Pink Floyd.
And I was done. Absolutely done. I wonder what would have become of me if that hadn't happened?