1K used monitor with wide/uniform dispersion

My wife and I are moving, which means a new listening room and the need for a new set of speakers.

I'm looking for a monitor that will meet three criteria: 1) a very natural, lifelike midrange with a sweet top end; 2) the widest and most uniform dispersion, so the speaker will have not only a wide sweet spot but sound good all over the room; 3) good dynamic capabilities.

My short list right now includes the Totem Model 1 (which I owned very briefly with a weak amp and shrill CD player; I've heard it in other contexts and liked it a lot) and KEF XQ20 (my first speakers were cheap KEFs, so I have a sense of and like the KEF sound). What else am I missing? What else is out there? I don't know that I'm interested in Ohms, and planars wouldn't fit the space.

The new room is 13x18, and the speakers will be on the middle of the long wall (so side-wall reflections won't be a worry). I'll be able to follow the rule of thirds for speaker and listening position, and so will be listening in the near-field. My current Vandersteen 2ce sig IIs will be too big for the room--too much bass with our proximity to neighbors, for one thing, and I won't be able to sit far enough away for the drivers to integrate. I'm bummed that they'll have to go. The rest of my system is an NAD C372 integrated and Rotel 1072 with Tributaries and Signal cabling. I listen at low to moderate volumes, usually in the 60-75dB range. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

Showing 3 responses by zenblaster

The Totem Model 1 or Mani2 will fit your bill with one caveat, they must be deisel powered. With the 2 concentric bass drivers in each box they play much bigger than a monitor but you have to drive them with a high current powerful amp, think Simaudio, Bryston, Krell, Mac or the like. They might be a bit over your budget but they will not disappoint, considering your wishes.
I have heard both the Revel M20 and M22, they are very good speakers and do a lot of the things you are looking for. Neither are in the league of the 2 Totem speakers I mentioned but very good ( and much less money) none the less. The M22 sound bigger and more sophisticated, a big improvement over the M-20, that's why there are so many on the used market. If you don't want to spend the money for Totems the Revels would be a nice alternative that are easier to drive also.
Alblang- IMO-you would be fine with the NAD, I would contact Vince at Totem and he would be THE person to ok the match.
BobReynolds- Is that your experience or something you read? I am currently running the Mani2 and they fill my room better than full range Alon's that they replaced. It could be just my room but it fills very well. So many variables though. Have to say that I really love these Mani's, just a super speaker that rocks the house and disappear like no other monitor I've heard. The deep bass they make defy their size.