1K speaker advice?

I am looking to upgrade speakers from Dana Audio 1s to something full range with better resolution, with about $1K to spend. I have a NAD 100wpc power amp. I listen mostly to vocals, acoustic music, and blues - and to a lesser degree jazz, rock and classical. A local audio store has a used pair of Thiel C2 at $700. They sound great but I'm concerned about the age and how they will sound with my front end equipment. Am I better off buying something new - if so I welcome suggestions.

Showing 1 response by sedond

i've always kinda liked the thiels - for relatively compact full-range floor-standerds, they do so many tings so well, w/o falling on their face in any one area. - accurate, transparent, decent - sometimes disappearing - imaging... if yer room isn't too large, the nad amp should do all right w/them, even if other spendy amps mite be better. ackshully, it should ber a pretty good match, as nad stuff is kinda soft & warm, in my experience. but, i woodn't get the 2's - i'm partial to the 3.5's, which, thanks to their equalizer, are flat down to 20hz. i still have mine, in a second system (26x28 kitchen), where they can still crank it out, when required, driven by a measely 35wpc audio-innovations integrated amp. (of course, no critical listening here, up against a wall, flanking a butcher-block countertop!) these are awailable used for ~$500 to ~$1300, depending on condition. my wife wood *kill* me, if i ever sold ours - in fact, i don't tink she'd mind if i put 'em back in the main system... ;~)