1970's Audio Research Equipment, worth having?

ARC seems to held in high regard by quite a few 'Gons. What about the early tube stuff, like the mid 70s? Does it still measure up to today's standards? What are some the problems one might face?

Showing 1 response by harrylavo

Put me in the ARC camp.   I hear the SP-3 and power amps driving Harry Pearson's maggies and was smitten.

In 1980 I bought a demo SP-6b and D90, driving IMF monitors and stayed happily with these for 10 years until I traded the IMF's for Thiel 3.5's in 1990.  Again I was happy but eventually traded the D90 for a VTL ST-85, a mix of trade-offs.  Eventually I sold the SP-6b when I went to surround sound in the early '90's, but about three years ago bought an old, much used 6a which I had upgraded with new caps and a new tube set.  The magic is back, with an even better bass than the 6b.  I am currently contemplating purchasing a D115mkii to complete my return to ARC.

To answer your question as originally asked, yes older ARC stuff is still good and a great bargain in today's market.  Expect to do some refurbishing, but also expect you will be content for many years.