160Hegel and DNLA . . .

In January I bought a Hegel H360 integrated amp. I was drawn to it because of its specs--especially the DLNA connectivity. Over the last (almost) year, I have enjoyed the quality of the sound and the elegance of the design, but the amp has regularly disconnected from the network. In recent weeks, it has gotten worse. I've reached out to Hegel and they are complexed, as am I.

Can any of you H160 or H360 users experienced this problem, too? Or have any other DLNA network folks seen anything like this, too? Thanks in advance.


Showing 4 responses by mkaiser

Thanks for everyone's comments. I'm working with my Hegel dealer to get this resolved. All signs point to a problem with the unit. I hope to get another one soon--to verify.

I will report back with any news.
Thanks @hgeifgman, but I've already tried three routers. In addition, I have no problems streaming to my Sonos and AppleTV--both of which also use DLNA.

I do love the H360 and I'm trying everything I can think of to keep it--or another one just like it. :)
Here's an update for everyone. Hegel has acknowledged that my H360 has a networking problem. I returned it to the dealer yesterday. He will either repair or replace. I'll post more when I know more.
As promised, here's the update on this issue . . .

Hegel replaced the networking card in my H360 (I don't know how the title of this thread got changed to H160) in December. My dealer handled everything. As far as I know, Hegel was very responsive--sending the part to my dealer quickly and at no cost to him or me.

Like many, I have read threads on this forum where some owners were not satisfied with Hegel's support. Put me in the Satisfied column.

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