15k USD Speakers for Classical and Pop Extended Listening, Near setup, Low volume

Dear Audiophiles,

I am looking for some speakers for my home office. Speakers would be place 6ft from me on either side of my desk. Speakers will be 8 ft apart.

I love classical music and pop. I am looking for speakers for extended listening at not very high volume. They should be warm and non fatiguing.

I am currently considering following speakers:

1. Monitor Audio Gold 300

2. ATC SCM40

3. Kef R7 Meta

Do you have any other suggestions. Thanks and appreciate your help!


No recommendations about speakers from me on this one, but just a remark about the poster advocating for placing the speakers BEHIND the listener. I could not disagree more. As far as I know the human ear is designed with the full opening in FRONT of the ear and a flap in the back to better direct the sound into the ear. Just saying, why fight mother nature on this one.

Consider which is the lesser of 2 evils. Sitting backwards or having an obstruction in front of your face. Test it out before coming to a conclusion.


Here is a 2-channel experience without 2-channel speakers. You do look funny with these on,

SR-1b • RAAL-requisite (raalrequisite.com)

I sold mine to raise money for the new RAAL 1995 Immais. The Immanis is not as 2-channel like as the SR1b. The Immanis are vying for the title of the world's best. Going against the $50k+ headphones.

I have a pair of Focal Diablo Utopia Colour Evo with MC152 (150 watts) powering them, they are clean/crisp, even surprisingly punchy; and fill the room nicely.

We have to agree with YZ the speakers need to be in front of you. 

When we have had a similar room setup we find it disconcerting to have the sound source be coming from  behind the listener 

The brain wants to be organized with the body's orientation you are facing opposite the sounds direction that will be disorienting over the long term.

Your best bet placing speakers in front of you or getting a set of small speakers you can use on the desk.


Dave and Troy

Audio intellect NJ

@audiotroy I think you mean that you DISAGREE with me about the speakers being behind. Coming from you I take that comment with some interest since you are rather knowledgeable about audio.

From my perspective my brain is not messed up with the unobstructed sound from behind me. I am totally messed up with sound on my desk or obstructed by monitors. It sounds awful that way.

Maybe I am a freak. Rick James style.