No recommendations about speakers from me on this one, but just a remark about the poster advocating for placing the speakers BEHIND the listener. I could not disagree more. As far as I know the human ear is designed with the full opening in FRONT of the ear and a flap in the back to better direct the sound into the ear. Just saying, why fight mother nature on this one.
Consider which is the lesser of 2 evils. Sitting backwards or having an obstruction in front of your face. Test it out before coming to a conclusion.
Here is a 2-channel experience without 2-channel speakers. You do look funny with these on,
SR-1b • RAAL-requisite (
I sold mine to raise money for the new RAAL 1995 Immais. The Immanis is not as 2-channel like as the SR1b. The Immanis are vying for the title of the world's best. Going against the $50k+ headphones.