15A vs. 20A power cord questions

I'm installing dedicated 20A lines with 10AWG cable and Furutech GTX-D 20A wall receptacles. I am currently using the standard IEC power cords that came with my Rogue Cronus Magnum and VPI Scout 1.1. 

I rather not upgrade the power cables at this time. I would like to see the effect the dedicated lines and outlets have first. Are there any issues with running 15A power cords into a 20A outlet and line? Would a 20A power cord possibly sound better or is it just a matter of the blade orientation?

Showing 1 response by mofimadness

I have dedicated 20 amp lines with 20 Amp outlets and have always run 15 Amp cords into them.  I think most of us do it this way?

To even use a 20 amp cord, your device must have a 20 amp IEC. Most equipment uses 15 amp IEC and cords.  There are some very high current/high power amplifiers that use 20 amp cords, but for the most part, our gear uses 15 amp.  Of course, there are exceptions.