$1500 Mini System?

Need suggestions for a sub $1500 mini system. Needs to include CD, amp, and speakers. This is for a non-audiophile listener who is looking for above average sound in a simple to use system. I am leaning towards suggesting the Linn Classik (Used $900) and a sweet pair of monitors in the $500 range (used). Other thoughts are a Creek integrated, Rega Planet, and monitor combo. Please help me give this listener the most bang for his buck and save another person from lo-fi sound.

Showing 1 response by snowball

Soliloquy will introduce a medium-small $500 bookshelf or stand non-ported monitor speaker at CES--the Sat 5. Same drivers as their other models up to $3000. Inch thick cabinets, and premium wood finishes. Their $895 similar, slightly larger, ported monitor is regarded as a super product. Check solspeak.com. For speaker cables, I suggest the new Analysis Plus "Copper 12" cables @ $150, 8' (SERIOUS...GET THEM! Check analysisplus.com and find a dealer) and Goertz Purl interconnects (~$80). Either used components, or something like NAD 522 CD and C340 int. amp, $700 for the pair. Don't forget Vibrapod isolation feet for both components and speakers. This is more than a mini system, it's the real deal! And keep the speakers on stands (cement blocks?) out from the wall if possible!