$1500-2000 Used Pre/Pro Recommendations

Need recommendations on pre/pro, 60/40 HT/Music. Thank you.
I have had my Meridian 565 w/7.1 (dts etc)for a full year. Before I had owned 7 processors within a year.Always keep in mind no processor sounds better that the amp /amps and whatever speakers you are using. The Meridian is all about sound quality. It has none of the toys the other processors have. (switching / zones dts-es/ pro logic2 sacd input)In 5.1 it killed the avm20 (with all the toys)I had at the time.It does have "sides" provision.--- Nope,mine ain't for sale. I'll wait till the 568.2's get cheap.
Thanks to everyone for taking time to respond which has been very helpful and informative.
