15 ohm speakers yea or nay?

I just bought Falcon speakers that are 15 ohms. I have Harbeths that are 6 ohms. Both have the same sensitivity rating of 83db. I am using both with the same tube amps.

What has me scratchin’ my head is that the Falcons are much louder with the volume set the same on my preamp.

Any opinions on why a 15 ohm speaker would be that  much different than a 6 ohm speaker with the same sensitivity specs?





Showing 2 responses by ditusa


Efficiency and sensitivity are not the same. My speakers are JBL 4435 monitors and have a sensitivity of 96 dB SPL @ 1 watt @ 2 meters @ 8 Ohm and have an efficiency of 2.7%. See the JBL manual below specifications section, last page. As for the difference between sensitivity and efficiency see the link below JBL technical note first page section C. All three specifications, impedance, sensitivity and efficiency are important and must be looked at together to better understand their meaning and correlation to what you hear. Also, amplifiers produce more distortion in lower impedances then higher impedances. Hope that helps. 😎





@rodman99999 +2. Great article.

What has me scratchin’ my head is that the Falcons are much louder with the volume set the same on my preamp.

Maybe the Falcons play louder then the Harbeths because a 16 Ohm woofer has a lighter and thinner voice coil then an 8 Ohm woofer. So the Falcons have higher, efficiency, just guessing. 😎
