15 amps or 20 amps outlet

I'm in the process of installing a dedicated line plus Acme outlet in my house and was wondering if there's any benefits in choosing a 20 amps outlet over a 15 amps one. I have a Big 350 watts amplifier. Also, any advise on a good, not too expensive wire is appreciated . Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by hifimaniac

Run four or five dedicated lines as the price for the additional runs will be minimal and you will probably use them all someday. I ran 5, one for analog, two for digital and two for monoblock Krell amps. Go 20 amps for your amplifiers minimum and 15 is adequate for the rest. I did 20amp for all. Hubbell is a great hospital grade outlet for the off the shelf variety, but the others mentioned above would probably add to sonics. Good luck..its a great tweek, just give the wire a few days to burn in.