12x7 tubes

I own a black ice audio dac that is connected to my CD player.Need advice on what 12x7 would be the best fit looking at Tungsram 12x7 and a GE 12x7 1950 long plate.My taste of music is classic rock and blues.


Showing 1 response by bkeske


NOS Telefunkens sound best, but are pricy. Try anything else to get your amp "on the air."

I like them, a lot. In terms of "pricey", I found four smooth plate that were Dynaco stamped, which costs much less than factory Telefunken stamped tubes. Got four for $380. No regrets for these great tubes.

As far as new, a similar sound signature as the Tele's,  but more grainy and not as smooth, is the Gold Lion gold pin tubes. You can get them for about $40 per.