12v trigger question

I have a DAC that is powered on by a 12v trigger. Right now it is triggered when my processor is turned on to a specific input that is used for 2 channel music through my main system using speakers. Works fine.

I want to get a Topping A70 headphone amp that also has a 12v trigger out that I’d like to use to also turn on the DAC. I found this y-connector that would allow the two separate trigger cables to be connected to the DAC’s trigger at the same time- www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07V54WJ42/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_2?smid=A13GGF3VKVFGBN&psc=1

I think this may work, but a couple things concern me.

Is there a chance of harming the DAC if both the processor (with the processor on and that ’music’ input selected) and the headphone amp turned on with both triggers sending a signal? This wouldn’t happen on purpose but, you know, Murphy’s law.

Will the trigger voltage be able to pass through the connector or DAC and back to the unused component? Both the processor and the headphone amp use specific ’trigger out’ connections to the DAC, if that makes a difference.

Help would be greatly appreciated as my electrical knowledge is lacking.


Showing 1 response by tngiloy

Sorry for taking so long to get back and thank you for your answer. But, not having any electrical expertise or the proper tools I decided to go to plan B and just leave the dac powered on as the dac's manual suggests.

A little extra electric usage, but the safety of the unit is worth it.

I tried to find the electrical schematic for the 2 units that would have triggered the dac to see if they had built in a diode to the trigger-outs, but the manufacturers must not publish those.

Thanks again,
