12 years or 18 years?

Your experiences please..
When I listen to my state of the art 2.1  Bose tube amp system, I drink a 12 year old single malt whiskey. The sound is warm and smooth. When I switch to an 18 year old single malt, the sound is smokey and woody.
Your thoughts and recommendations on a warm  and  smooth 18 year old single malt whiskey.
TIA for entertaining my question. Stay Healthy and long live HiFi!

Showing 2 responses by hodu

Way back in the 1980s, I used to enjoy The Macallan 12-year-old Scotch. I had two part-time jobs then, and had promised myself that if the better of the two turned into a full-time gig, I'd celebrate and buy myself a bottle of The Macallan 18. I got the full-time job, got the 18-year-old Scotch, and wouldn't you just know it -- I preferred the 12-year-old. I still drink that from time to time, but haven't had the 18 since. I found the one that had been aged longer to be too smooth, with all the edginess of the younger version -- which I liked -- sanded off, as it were. Just one man's tale.
And I've got a nicer stereo now, too.
-- Howard

What I should have said was this: The Macallan 18 was a bit like a pair of loudspeakers with a ruler-flat frequency response. It did nothing wrong -- nothing at all -- but it wasn't as engaging as its younger sibling. The 12-year-old had some peaks and some valleys, but I found them to be features, not bugs.
-- Howard