12 volt trigger not working

i had been using a Niles AC-3 voltage activated AC outlet with my previous Preamp. This allowed me to have my amp turn on when I turned on the Preamp by running a connection from the AC-3 switched outlet to the 12 v trigger on the Preamp. When I tried to duplicate this with my new psaudio BHK Preamp, the amp does not turn on. I tested with other equipment and the Niles works fine. Is there something I need to do to activate the 12v trigger on the BHK? The Preamp apparently does need 100 mA to activate the Niles and I do not see this spec anywhere in the PSAudio documention. I will contact psaudio on Monday since they are closed now but hoping for some thoughts.
I see the delay option but it is only 5 seconds.  I did have a chance to call PS Audio.  They claim the preamp puts out 40 mA through the 12v trigger.  The Niles AC-3 switch apparently requires 100mA to be activated. If that is true, it would explain why it doesn't work.  Furman has a electronic relay that they say will work. I will check into that.

Have you looked at the preamp's manual? It appears the 12v trigger has an adjustable delay. Did you wait long enough for it to activate?