12" Tonearm What Have You Heard & Recommend?

OK, SME just came out with their 312S 12" beauty. It is a three series.... at $2200. Anybody had an opportunity to hear this yet? What about anything else you have experienced in the past classic or "Legend" status? I am looking for candidates for my Garrard 301 project with a custom plinth with a high fun per dollar ratio. Possibly with a London Decca super gold....What cha' got there tonemaster?

Showing 7 responses by rauliruegas

Dear @kanchi647 : I owned both tonearms models and the 407 is a little better but none is really a good tonearm that in true can honor MUSIc because does not permits to almost any cartridge that it can shows at its best.

If you want something different to your SME one then you can go with Reed designs or maybe a Triplanar. Both way better quality performers that the ones you named. Kuzma is other design you have to look for.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Dear Jomoinc: In Theory the long tonearms has, at least, and advantange over the short ones: lower tracking error. Now, this lower tracking error is reflected in an improvement in the quality sound reproduction?, not necessary, because the better quality sound reproduction depends not only of the tracking error but of many other factors like: tonearm design, tonearm build quality, what materials were used for build the tonearm, with which cartridge, etc.
In my experience the short and long tonearms can perform at the same level and usually I can't say if I really can hear the " lower tracking error " improvement. It is really difficult ( at least for me ) and complex to be absolutely precise on this subject.

More important than this is that the tonearm characteristics could match well with the phono cartridge.

I agree with Bigbucks5 about the Ikeda tonearms: great ones!!! and you can choose between short or long one. I am sure that the Ikeda will be a very good match with the Decca London that is a medium/heavy weight and low compliance cartridge.
I don't have any experience with the Decca cartridges in my system but I use my Ikeda tonearm with a " marvelous " Ikeda REX9 cartridge ( that is and MC cartridge with out cantilever ( like Decca ), low compliance and heavy weight. ) and these couple is something that any one that are inerested in the music sound reproduction at home must to hear it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never been close to a real live event that when I hear through the REX9, nothing come close to this experience.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Genesis168: The Ikeda tonearm is an evolution over the FR-66, you have to try it.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Thomas: I don't agree with you about the Davinci tonearm but this does not matter what really matter is that the Ikeda tonearm is a great match for the Decca cartridge that Jomoinc has in his mind. Can you asure that the Davinci is a better match?

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Thomas: Yes,rigity is a plus with that cartridge. I like the " look " of the DaVinci but I only have a brief contact with it.

But, like you say: fun counts.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear John: A Decca or Ikeda cartridge ask a tremendous effort to any tonearm and I know for sure that an unipivot ( like the VPI ) is not the best match for those cartridges,. My opinion is that a tonearm like the Ikeda is really a better one where I never had any problem with mistracking or in other way, you have to try it.

+++++ " The Decca just skitters over these grooves, no matter what I try -- adjusting VTA, VTF, anti-skating, or what. And that is absolutely the only problem." "+++++

THis problem between the Decca and VPI speaks for it self about.

Btw, right now I'm running my Ikeda REX9 through the Mission The Mechanic and I can tell you that this tonearm ( if you can find it ) is an excellent choice too.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear John: I only say that the unipivots are not the best match, I'm not saying: ¡ Don't use it ! and I'm saying that the Ikeda is a better choice along with the Mechanic.

I don't think that this position is a " blindly " one, it is?

Regards and enjoy the music.