12" Tonearm What Have You Heard & Recommend?

OK, SME just came out with their 312S 12" beauty. It is a three series.... at $2200. Anybody had an opportunity to hear this yet? What about anything else you have experienced in the past classic or "Legend" status? I am looking for candidates for my Garrard 301 project with a custom plinth with a high fun per dollar ratio. Possibly with a London Decca super gold....What cha' got there tonemaster?

Showing 1 response by fatdaddy

Actually the 312 has been available for some time, just not imported to the U.S. (but has been available as a special order item, according to the distributor). I ended up getting a Scheu Tacco for my Garrard 401; not a 12", but (IMO) a better choice for my project.