12" Tonearm What Have You Heard & Recommend?

OK, SME just came out with their 312S 12" beauty. It is a three series.... at $2200. Anybody had an opportunity to hear this yet? What about anything else you have experienced in the past classic or "Legend" status? I am looking for candidates for my Garrard 301 project with a custom plinth with a high fun per dollar ratio. Possibly with a London Decca super gold....What cha' got there tonemaster?

Showing 1 response by chazzbo

Do search on relative merits/demerits of lonmger and shorter arms here on at the Asylum.Certain principles of physic say 12 should be better and others thaty a 10 or 9 inch is bter.Know that Stereophiles Fremmer prefers the priciples of shorter arms.A number of factors like rigidity (everything being equal otherwise),azimuth etc come into play.There are two camps but interesting reading when choosing.I have a 12" VPI Memorial and am going to swap decks amd get one of their 9" arms though must admit the biggest difference is tht I'll lose VTA on the fly but there are differences.